Monday, February 11, 2013

AL East projections

Well for all of you AL East fans here is my prediction, if you do not agree, feel free to respond to what I have put up.

1-Yankees - I really think that the Yankees will be just as good as they were last year.  I think they win around 90 games this year.  They have a good offense, and decent pitching (enough that gets them to the play-offs, but not very far).  The new ownership has shown that they do not spend money like good old George, which could be a problem come trade-deadline.  All that being said, this might be the last year the Yankees win the division for the next 3 years.  CHANCES OF MAKING PLAY-OFFS: 95%

2 - Rays - Simply put, they have PITCHING.  Even though they traded a huge piece this off-season, they are deep in the minors.  I can see them having a very hard time scoring runs this year, but they seem to be nifty enough to do a decent trade come the deadline.  They have probably one of the best managers in the game (when you look at what he has had to work with line-up wise for the last couple of years), and I see Madden working his magic again this year.  CHANCES OF MAKING PLAY-OFFS: 78%

3 - Blue Jays - I know that I am one of the few that is not picking the Blue Jays to win the division, but I see it taking some time to gel as a team.  I think the Yankees can build up enough of a lead to hold them off until the end of the season.  The good news Jays fans? I think you win the division the next 2 years after this one.  CHANCES OF MAKING PLAY-OFFS: 70%

4 - Red Sox - They may not have signed any huge names, but they did fill some holes.  They were able to dump a bunch of cap money, and they do have some youth.  I just hope that they hang onto their center-fielder come trade deadline time if they are close to out of it.  They have youth coming up, and still have decent pitching.  CHANCES OF MAKING PLAY-OFFS: 55%

5 - Orioles - I'm sorry O's fans, but you guys got lucky last year...Go ahead and nail me to the wall if you want, but I just don't see you guys in the play-offs.  You guys took the approach of the flyers in hockey.  The O's appear to be okay trusting that everything will work out the way it did last year, and that the players will put up career numbers again.  I can promise you that you will not have the same record in extra innings again, and your pitching will not pitch as well this year.  You guys don't fill enough seats in your stadium to help cash wise for a big move at the deadline IF, you are somewhat close to making the play-offs.  There are way too many question marks on this team.  I give you full right to nail me to the wall if you make it to the play-offs.  CHANCES OF MAKING PLAY-OFFS: 45%

Team with the best chance to win the World Series: Rays, simply put...pitching wins championships.

Possible Sleeper: Orioles.  I could be way off on what I am thinking.  It doesn't happen often, but it has before (see 5 years ago with the ravens).

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